Encouraging Natural Ability

Gymnastics is on nearly every school curriculum for both boys and girls. Many young gymnasts and trampolinists started on their way to perfection by working through these Awards.

The aim of these Awards is to encourage the natural ability that all children possess to grow and progress further. This Scheme is great for improving the general standard of gymnastics and trampolining at local, county and national levels.

The Awards scheme also promotes good posture and core strength skills, allowing children to develop at their own rate through participation and enjoyment.

Every scheme consists of different levels of varying ability. Each level has a badge and certificate designated to it. On completion of each level the participant will become eligible to be awarded the badge and certificate. The badges and certificates are awarded to the gymnast or trampolinist for their participation and achievement.

All the schemes are based on the concept of completing a number of moves from each level before progressing to the next one.